Reading Recommendation

If ever it seems to you that this blog is just a place for me to tout the superlative skills of one LiAnn Yim, that's because the lady is on fire these days. Her flash piece "Security" appeared recently in First Stop Fiction: The soldiers who came for us had their orders in the form …

Reading Recommendation: NANO Fiction Volume 7.1

My dear friend LiAnn Yim has a piece of flash fiction out in NANO Fiction volume 7.1! LiAnn's writing never fails to delight and amaze me, and I am so, so excited to see this in print. Besides being my co-editor on The Golden Key and my own ideal reader, she's also the sharp eye …

“Matty Groves”

Oh, and did I mention I have a short short story up on Lightning Cake today?  Because I do, and LiAnn did the most marvelous illustration for it. It's called "Darling" and you should go read it right now.

“Storm Song”

Have I mentioned lately how much I love LiAnn's flash fiction project Lightning Cake?  Because I do, a lot. ♥

“In A Landscape”

I'm really delighted to be able to say that I have a piece of flash fiction up on Lightning Cake, LiAnn's newly minted flash zine.  She's curating and illustrating short-short stories of a speculative bent and I'm so excited to see what's up next! You can check out my piece, "Teeth," here.


Today I read: I was slain by my foe, a smaller man, as I fled the field. Though my head was not recovered my body was sent back to the village. My mother recognised the purple birthmark upon my shoulder, but she refused me. This could not be her son she said, with his wounds …